Nikocado Avocado Wiki

He identifies as skinny.

In his content, Nikocado Avocado can frequently repeat a certain phrase or word. This is known as a catchphrase, which is a phrase that catches on. Some of these catchphrases can get promoted to also being slogans used in merchandise.


To qualify as a slogan, the quote in question has to have had official merchandise made for it at some point.

  • "It's just water weight!"
  • "I identify as skinny!"
  • "It's your fault!"
  • "I'm calling corporate!"
  • "I'm calling Nancy!"
  • "Don't look at me, lady!"
  • "My scale is a liar!"
  • "I don't believe in salads."
  • "My weight is a medical mystery."
  • "I'm getting fat and don't know why."
  • "My clothes keep shrinking without my consent!"
  • "My double chin is choking me!"


  • "Excuuuse me!"
  • "Jeepers creepers!"/"Jeepers!"
  • "Fiddlesticks!"
  • "SpaghettiOs!"
  • "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!"
  • "Peasants on my page!"/"Peasant!/"Peasants!"
  • "All these people!"
  • "Ashley!"
  • "Brace!"
  • "Choo choo!"
  • "Discriminatory!"/"This is discrimination!"
  • *exhale*
  • *fake crying*
  • *fake crying, but mosquito-esque*/"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
  • *fart*
  • "Hey Siri!"
  • "I asked for extra cheese!"
  • "I can't see!"
  • "I love cheese, dun dun!"/"We love cheese, dun dun!"
  • "I wore the wrooong shoes!"
  • "I'm disabled!"
  • "I'm mad!"/"I'M ANGRY!"
  • "Is this enough food?"
  • "It's Nancy!"
  • "Michelle Obama says: 'pizza is a vegetable!'"
  • "My precious scooter!"
  • "Shine bright like a diamond."
  • "Stand back!"
  • "We're back home, shooby-doo!"
  • "Walmart!"
  • "TARGET?!"
  • "Who are you?!"/"Who is this?!"/"Who is this person?!"
  • "Whose job is it to clean this place?!"
  • "You're gonna get it!"

Former Catchphrases[]

These catchphrases aren’t used anymore or aren’t said as much on Nikocado’s channel as they formerly were.

  • “Hey there little sloths!” (2016-2019(?))
  • “I LOOK LIKE A [fruit or object]!!!” (2020-2022)
  • Mr. Potatohead!” (2021-2023)